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The 5th Privacy Symposium Africa to Address Emerging Data Privacy Challenges

On the 3rd of April, Unwanted Witness together with the Data Protection Office of Mauritius virtually launched the roadmap to the fifth edition of the Privacy Symposium Africa. The launch involved handing over the hosting privileges from Ms Immaculate Kassait the Data Protection Commissioner of the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner-Kenya to Ms Drudeisha Madhub the Data Protection Commissioner of the Data Protection Office of Mauritius.

The 4th Privacy Symposium Africa was held in Nairobi, Kenya. According to Ms Immaculate Kassait, the Privacy Symposium Africa has become a critical platform where building networks and fostering collaboration and discussions on the best practices about data protection in the African Continent are undertaken.

“Today marks the day we hand over the Privacy Symposium Africa to Ms Drudeisha Madhub the Data Protection Commissioner of the Data Protection Office of Mauritius. As we prepare to hand over the mantle of the Privacy Symposium Africa to the next host, I would like to thank the participants who made the previous edition a success, your contributions have invaluably shaped the Data Protection in Africa.” Says Ms Immaculate Kassait.

She equally thanked the Unwanted Witness team for working tirelessly to make the previous Privacy Symposium Africa a successful one. According to Mrs Drudeisha Madhub, the PSA is an essential platform for data protection commissioners, experts, and stakeholders to share knowledge, exchange ideas, and collaborate on promoting data privacy and innovation in Africa. She adds that it has played a crucial role in shaping the discourse around data protection in our continent.

“With great humility and excitement, I accept the mantel of hosting the next Privacy Symposium Africa, I am honoured to be entrusted with the responsibility, and I would like to express my gratitude to Ms Immaculate Kassait the Data Protection Commissioner from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioner of Kenya and for successfully hosting the 2022 Privacy Symposium Africa edition. She has set a very high bar and I am committed to building this legacy and taking it to the next level.” Says Mrs Drudeisha Madhub.

She added that as the next host, she is committed to organizing a Privacy Symposium Africa that will be formative, engaging and impactful.

“I look forward to working with Unwanted Witness, partners and all stakeholders to create an exciting and meaning full event, my vision for the Privacy Symposium Africa is to foster more significant collaborations, promote best practices in data protection, and chart a course for the future of data privacy in Africa. I believe that the PSA can play a crucial role in promoting innovation, economic growth, and social development while respecting individual privacy rights,” says Mrs Drudeisha Madhub.

Mrs Drudeisha Madhub also called upon different data protection commissioners, experts and stakeholders to participate in the upcoming Privacy Symposium Africa in Port Louis.

While giving her opening remarks, Mrs Dorothy Mukasa the Executive Director of Unwanted Witness Uganda said they are more than thrilled to witness the growth of the Privacy Symposium Africa and the event shall continue to provide an unforgettable experience for everyone that is involved. She said that this year’s edition is designed to provide a unique approach to data protection.

“We will explore the topics, do a sectoral lens and get deeper into specific privacy concerns that affect the different industries including health care, education, finance, media and others. We have created a fantastic lineup of speakers who are ready to share knowledge with the different people attending the Privacy Symposium Africa 2023.” Says Ms Dorothy Mukasa the Executive Director of Unwanted Witness.

The 5th edition of the Privacy Symposium Africa will be organized by Unwanted Witness, and Hosted by the Data Protection Office of Mauritius in Port Louis from 7th to 9th November 2023.

The Privacy Symposium Africa provides a unique opportunity for stakeholders in the privacy and data protection space to network, learn from experts, and share insights on the latest trends and challenges facing the industry. Attendees of the Privacy Symposium Africa 2023 will also have the chance to participate in interactive sessions and master classes on a range of topics related to online privacy and data protection.

The Privacy Symposium Africa (PSA) was established in 2019 by Unwanted Witness, since its establishment, the Privacy Symposium Africa has offered innovative propositions in legal, regulatory, academic, policy and technological development in the area of Privacy and Data Protection. The platform gathers the Business community, ICT experts, academics, lawyers, regulators, policy-makers, and civil society for three days of inspiring keynote addresses, thought-provoking panels, master classes and limitless high-value networking.