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Regional Engagements – 2023

Privacy Regional Engagements are an essential part of the build-up to the Privacy Symposium Africa. These engagements are aimed at promoting awareness, fostering discussions, and building capacity around privacy issues within specific regions in Africa.

The engagements typically involve a series of events, including workshops, round-table discussions, and stakeholder consultations, which are designed to provide a platform for various actors to share their experiences, challenges, and best practices on privacy-related matters. These actors include government agencies, civil society organizations, academia, industry players, and individuals.

These regional engagements have been critical in creating a network of stakeholders committed to privacy and data protection issues across Africa. They have helped to raise awareness and build capacity among various actors, including policymakers, regulators, civil society organizations, and industry players. They have also facilitated knowledge exchange and best practices sharing, leading to the development of more robust privacy frameworks and practices across the continent.

Privacy Regional Engagements are a crucial build-up to the Privacy Symposium Africa, and they play a significant role in promoting awareness, fostering discussions, and building capacity around privacy issues within specific regions in Africa. These engagements have been instrumental in creating a network of stakeholders committed to privacy and data protection issues across the continent and have helped to strengthen privacy frameworks and practices in Africa.

In 2023, we held the West African Regional Engagement under the theme; Corporate Responsibility and Privacy Protection: The Role Of Civil Society In Fostering Corporate Accountability in West Africa.

West African Privacy Regional Engagement

Corporate Responsibility and Privacy Protection: The Role Of Civil Society In Fostering Corporate Accountability in West Africa

The session aimed to discuss the importance of corporate responsibility and privacy protection in West Africa, and the role of civil society in fostering corporate accountability. The discussion explored the challenges faced by civil society in holding corporations accountable for their actions and the need for stronger regulation and enforcement of privacy protection laws.